Epitaphs: The Journal of the New England Horror Writers, Vol. 1

Epitaphs: The Journal of the New England Horror Writers, Vol. 1 - Christopher Golden, Glenn Chadbourne, Peter Crowther, Rick Hautala, John McIlveen, Holly Newstein, Kurt Newton, P. Gardner Goldsmith, Peter N. Dudar, Scott T. Goudsward, John Goodrich, Roxanne Dent, John Grover, K. Allen Wood, David Bernard, Paul McMahon, Danny Evarts, Tr What is it about New England that makes it such a fertile ground for growing great horror writers? Being a Texan, I am mystified, but being a horror lover, I do appreciate whatever it is.

Well chosen stories by top flight authors and even takes extra points for artistry by including poems.

My favorite stories were the ones that had a bitter sweetness to them, making them more dark fiction than actually horror.

The Christopher Chair by Paul McMahon--a relic that cures also exacts a price.

Build-A-Zombie by Scott T. Goudsward--gleefully macabre story based, you guessed it, on the concept of building one's own zombie instead of a cute stuffed animal.

Make a Choice by John M. McIlveen--disturbing, realistic, and well done. I don't want to give it away but it would be any parent's worse nightmare.

Stony's Boneyard by Glenn Chadbourne and Holly Newstein--touching supernatural story. Well written, evocative of loss and what we leave behind for the people that loved us.

Cheryl Takes a Trip by Stephen Dorato--literary ghost story about regret that functions on several levels.