Epitaphs: The Journal of the New England Horror Writers, Vol. 1

Well chosen stories by top flight authors and even takes extra points for artistry by including poems.
My favorite stories were the ones that had a bitter sweetness to them, making them more dark fiction than actually horror.
The Christopher Chair by Paul McMahon--a relic that cures also exacts a price.
Build-A-Zombie by Scott T. Goudsward--gleefully macabre story based, you guessed it, on the concept of building one's own zombie instead of a cute stuffed animal.
Make a Choice by John M. McIlveen--disturbing, realistic, and well done. I don't want to give it away but it would be any parent's worse nightmare.
Stony's Boneyard by Glenn Chadbourne and Holly Newstein--touching supernatural story. Well written, evocative of loss and what we leave behind for the people that loved us.
Cheryl Takes a Trip by Stephen Dorato--literary ghost story about regret that functions on several levels.